Social Ministry
We are devoted to various activities throughout the year. In the Fall, we have collections of backpacks and school supplies for children in our communities who may not have these necessities. In September and October we collect, new or gently used coats and new socks for many local service organizations in our area. All year long we collect food for our local food bank, through a program called "We Can with one Can "Can-paign". Every week there is a new item or list of items that are needed by the food pantry. The children and the families of our religious education program are always very generous. We participate in the Rice Bowl Program during Lent which helps to feed the hungry in other parts of the world. We provide thanksgiving dinner foods/and turkeys for those who may not be able to otherwise have a Thanksgiving Feast. During Advent we have a Giving Tree. We donate to Life Choices through some of these activities and have participated in Baby Bottle and Diaper Drives as well. Please reach out to Kathleen in the office if you can help in any way, or if you have other ideas or suggestions. (908) 475-2559
Ministry to the Sick, Seniors and Home bound
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion bring Holy Communion to those who are not able to attend Mass. Please call the office to arrange for visit. Also, needed are volunteers to visit with home-bound parishioners to give of their time, perhaps pick up groceries, etc.
Poor Boxes
The parishes utilize the revenue from our very generous parishioners to support those that are in need. The poor boxes are located at the entrance to both St. Patrick and St. Rose of Lima Churches.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
A group of dedicated parishioners pray for and knit/crochet lap blankets and shawls for parishioners who are ill, in re-habilitation center, home from the hospital, mourning, etc. If you know of someone in our parish who would benefit from this ministry please reach out to Mrs. Terry Reczka at (908) 475-5492