Adult Initiation Process (RCIA)
Becoming Catholic
The process of becoming Catholic is known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). It is a gradual process of spiritual formation that includes prayer, sharing, and study and occurs in the context of the parish community.
You may have a family member or friend who is Catholic. You may be dating, engaged or married to a Catholic. You may be unbaptized or baptized in another Christian tradition. You may have been baptized a Catholic, but never received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Throughout the year, many come forward seeking to learn about the Catholic faith. If you are interested in learning about the Catholic faith or are thinking about becoming a Catholic, please call the parish office on 908-475-2559.
Children’s Sacramental Preparation/Religious Education
The Children’s Religious Education program provides sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation as well as ongoing faith formation for children of St. Patrick and St. Rose of Lima parishioners ages 6-18 who have received these sacraments.
Faith Formation Activities
A listing of St. Patrick and St. Rose of Lima's Faith Formation events and programs can be found in the Sunday Bulletin or on our events page.
Returning Catholics
Jesus welcomes with open arms each and every person who has had past difficulties with continuing to follow the path of the church, the body of Christ. Let us help you with your return and reconciliation. Simply reach out to Father Charles when you see him or you may always contact the parish office and we will be happy to set up a meeting.